Baby Name Rankings of Edgardo

Edgardo: Statistics About The Baby Name Edgardo

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
19978701590.0080% ***
19969391380.0069% ***
19958961490.0074% ***
19948501590.0078% ***
19937421970.0096% ***
19926922240.0107% ***
19917221970.0093% ***
19907761710.0080% ***
19898641350.0064% ***
1988968990.0050% ***
19879401010.0052% ***
1985969890.0046% ***
1984914920.0049% ***
1983972820.0044% ***
1981929940.0051% ***
1980940900.0049% ***
1979996790.0044% ***
1978950830.0049% ***
1977905880.0052% ***
1976878900.0055% ***
1975953740.0046% ***
1974837920.0057% ***
1973869840.0052% ***
1972905780.0047% ***
19718041000.0055% ***
1970831940.0049% ***
1969849820.0045% ***
1968853730.0041% ***
1967829750.0042% ***
1966835760.0042% ***
1965977570.0030% ***
1962947640.0030% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.