Baby Name Rankings of Eddy

Eddy: Statistics About The Baby Name Eddy

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20068552300.0107% ***
20049151830.0088% ***
20029531670.0081% ***
19979261460.0073% ***
19969381380.0069% ***
19959901260.0063% ***
19949831270.0062% ***
19938331600.0078% ***
19928191640.0078% ***
19918811430.0068% ***
19909251250.0058% ***
19898801310.0063% ***
19888881150.0058% ***
19879391010.0052% ***
19868891040.0054% ***
1985996840.0044% ***
19848801000.0053% ***
1983984800.0043% ***
1982928930.0049% ***
19808791030.0056% ***
1979913920.0051% ***
1977923850.0050% ***
1976893860.0053% ***
1975926770.0048% ***
19747871030.0063% ***
19737411160.0072% ***
1972822950.0057% ***
19717241300.0072% ***
19706681500.0079% ***
19696811340.0073% ***
19686211480.0083% ***
19676301430.0080% ***
19666131470.0081% ***
19655841700.0090% ***
19645891800.0089% ***
19635252300.0111% ***
19625671930.0092% ***
19615122390.0111% ***
19605352190.0101% ***
19595032420.0112% ***
19585052320.0108% ***
19575092300.0105% ***
19564862450.0114% ***
19554832290.0110% ***
19544912170.0105% ***
19534882060.0103% ***
19524822110.0107% ***
19515101760.0092% ***
19504771960.0108% ***
19494791890.0105% ***
19484532150.0121% ***
19474462230.0120% ***
19464511980.0120% ***
19454941450.0106% ***
19444961490.0108% ***
19435341380.0095% ***
19425301330.0094% ***
19415621140.0091% ***
1940599990.0083% ***
19395531070.0094% ***
1938596980.0086% ***
19375541110.0102% ***
1936641820.0077% ***
1935772640.0060% ***
1934798600.0057% ***
1933868510.0050% ***
1932803630.0059% ***
1931816590.0055% ***
1930792660.0059% ***
1929904550.0050% ***
1925959500.0043% ***
1910945120.0058% ***
1905800100.0070% ***
190092390.0055% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.