Baby Name Rankings of Edd

Edd: Statistics About The Baby Name Edd

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1949993490.0027% ***
1948938540.0030% ***
1947930570.0031% ***
1946776730.0044% ***
1945734700.0051% ***
1944802610.0044% ***
1943934510.0035% ***
1942961480.0034% ***
1941900500.0040% ***
1940762660.0056% ***
1939748650.0057% ***
1938812580.0051% ***
1937794600.0055% ***
1936851510.0048% ***
1935648840.0079% ***
1934645870.0082% ***
1933712720.0071% ***
1932704770.0072% ***
1931673790.0074% ***
19305851050.0093% ***
1929701780.0071% ***
1928706810.0071% ***
1927653940.0081% ***
19266251000.0087% ***
19255841150.0100% ***
1924679920.0079% ***
19235981120.0099% ***
19225741240.0110% ***
19215831180.0104% ***
19205691200.0109% ***
19194671630.0160% ***
19185691150.0110% ***
19175711070.0112% ***
19165561060.0115% ***
19155641010.0115% ***
1914507930.0136% ***
1913539640.0119% ***
1912498630.0140% ***
1911446430.0179% ***
1910482330.0159% ***
1909387390.0221% ***
1908326470.0283% ***
1907333410.0259% ***
1906289490.0340% ***
1905306430.0300% ***
1904330370.0267% ***
1903282440.0340% ***
1902273480.0362% ***
1901285370.0320% ***
1900263610.0375% ***
1899270410.0356% ***
1898263460.0348% ***
1897255470.0385% ***
1896297390.0302% ***
1895277410.0324% ***
1894219600.0480% ***
1893228560.0463% ***
1892218650.0494% ***
1891220530.0485% ***
1890210620.0518% ***
1889224520.0437% ***
1888215680.0523% ***
1887199600.0549% ***
1886216620.0521% ***
1885231510.0440% ***
1884242500.0407% ***
1883249430.0382% ***
1882203630.0516% ***
1881249400.0369% ***
1880226520.0439% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.