Baby Name Rankings of Easton

Easton: Statistics About The Baby Name Easton

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023963,6370.1986% ***
2022804,1430.2223% ***
2021704,6000.2472% ***
2020734,6360.2514% ***
2019744,8620.2547% ***
2018665,4290.2815% ***
2017665,4860.2794% ***
2016655,6310.2791% ***
2015785,1990.2565% ***
2014834,9610.2444% ***
2013884,6150.2307% ***
2012963,9260.1954% ***
20111023,7460.1861% ***
20101452,6940.1325% ***
20092521,3570.0647% ***
20083021,0910.0507% ***
20073518960.0411% ***
20063598280.0384% ***
20053937180.0344% ***
20044186160.0296% ***
20034905030.0241% ***
20025394120.0200% ***
20015773550.0172% ***
20005803440.0165% ***
19996432690.0132% ***
19986702540.0126% ***
19977671940.0097% ***
19968411680.0084% ***
19959241430.0071% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.