Baby Name Rankings of Dwaine

Dwaine: Statistics About The Baby Name Dwaine

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1970933730.0038% ***
1969901720.0039% ***
1968918620.0035% ***
1967968560.0031% ***
1966946590.0032% ***
1965885690.0036% ***
1964902710.0035% ***
1963836820.0040% ***
1962795920.0044% ***
1961837840.0039% ***
19607341100.0051% ***
19597201130.0052% ***
1958778920.0043% ***
19577481000.0046% ***
19567221030.0048% ***
1955790850.0041% ***
19547151020.0049% ***
1953766850.0043% ***
1952752880.0045% ***
1951701980.0051% ***
1950853640.0035% ***
1949804730.0041% ***
1948852640.0036% ***
1947917580.0031% ***
1946838620.0038% ***
1945968440.0032% ***
1944850550.0040% ***
1943914530.0037% ***
1941934470.0038% ***
1940907490.0041% ***
1939838530.0047% ***
1938744680.0060% ***
1937768640.0059% ***
1936792600.0056% ***
1935737690.0065% ***
1934823580.0055% ***
1933745670.0066% ***
1932718750.0070% ***
1930825620.0055% ***
1929947510.0046% ***
1928847610.0054% ***
1926970500.0044% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.