Baby Name Rankings of Draven

Draven: Statistics About The Baby Name Draven

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20189542160.0112% ***
20178902400.0122% ***
20168722500.0124% ***
20158612590.0128% ***
20148262710.0134% ***
20138032710.0135% ***
20127632980.0148% ***
20117293090.0154% ***
20107303120.0153% ***
20096453810.0182% ***
20086703550.0165% ***
20076513680.0169% ***
20066853240.0150% ***
20056363370.0161% ***
20046832890.0139% ***
20036902770.0133% ***
20027182460.0120% ***
20017422330.0113% ***
20007352330.0112% ***
19997592100.0103% ***
19988941620.0080% ***
19978791580.0079% ***
19968521630.0081% ***
19957971820.0091% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.