Baby Name Rankings of Douglass

Douglass: Statistics About The Baby Name Douglass

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1974953730.0045% ***
1973917770.0048% ***
1972810980.0059% ***
19717421210.0067% ***
19707091370.0072% ***
19696801340.0073% ***
19687231070.0060% ***
1967886660.0037% ***
1966855720.0040% ***
1965927640.0034% ***
1964863780.0039% ***
1963828840.0041% ***
19627511030.0049% ***
1961809890.0041% ***
1960790940.0043% ***
19597581010.0047% ***
1958758950.0044% ***
19577011160.0053% ***
19566891160.0054% ***
1955734980.0047% ***
19546701160.0056% ***
19536971040.0052% ***
19526261250.0063% ***
19516531150.0060% ***
19506671090.0060% ***
19495911310.0073% ***
19486381130.0064% ***
19476931000.0054% ***
1946716830.0050% ***
1945769640.0047% ***
1944737710.0051% ***
1943724790.0055% ***
19425781150.0082% ***
1941879520.0042% ***
1940852550.0046% ***
1939808570.0050% ***
1938706750.0066% ***
1937926460.0042% ***
1936982410.0039% ***
1934919470.0044% ***
1933981420.0041% ***
1932903510.0048% ***
1926969500.0044% ***
1919962490.0048% ***
190794290.0057% ***
188884070.0054% ***
188382260.0053% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.