Baby Name Rankings of Dorris

Dorris: Statistics About The Baby Name Dorris

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1948*** 925880.0051%
1947*** 950870.0048%
1946*** 898860.0053%
1944*** 840820.0060%
1943*** 7531060.0074%
1942*** 847820.0059%
1941*** 730940.0076%
1940*** 715950.0080%
1939958430.0038% 6471120.0099%
1938983420.0037% 6161220.0107%
1937829540.0049% 6051230.0112%
1936*** 6091170.0109%
1935*** 5341460.0134%
1934975430.0041% 5231530.0141%
1933*** 5421380.0132%
1932995440.0041% 4901830.0165%
1931*** 4831770.0161%
1930*** 4362370.0203%
1929*** 4322330.0201%
1928*** 4462320.0194%
1927*** 4172720.0220%
1926932530.0046% 3982960.0241%
1925945510.0044% 3943000.0238%
1924*** 3923040.0235%
1923923550.0049% 3942860.0228%
1922892600.0053% 4202500.0200%
1921*** 4252550.0199%
1920*** 4532220.0179%
1919*** 4662030.0173%
1918*** 5481650.0137%
1917967450.0047% 4751890.0168%
1916*** 5251570.0145%
1915*** 5281420.0139%
1914*** 5641000.0126%
1913*** 582770.0118%
1912*** 673550.0094%
1911*** 557580.0132%
1910*** 603480.0115%
1909*** 582440.0120%
1908*** 796240.0068%
1907*** 695300.0089%
1906*** 650310.0099%
1905*** 668280.0090%
1904*** 731230.0079%
1903*** 839170.0061%
1902*** 539360.0128%
1901*** 668230.0090%
1900*** 868190.0060%
1899*** 849150.0061%
1898*** 851160.0058%
189797560.0049% 873140.0056%
1896*** 795170.0067%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.