Baby Name Rankings of Doreen

Doreen: Statistics About The Baby Name Doreen

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1979*** 9561520.0088%
1978*** 8321780.0108%
1977*** 8061860.0113%
1976*** 6972130.0136%
1975*** 6002680.0172%
1974*** 5263190.0204%
1973*** 4953510.0226%
1972*** 4434260.0264%
1971*** 3935550.0317%
1970*** 3527110.0388%
1969*** 3098550.0485%
1968*** 2899090.0532%
1967*** 2611,0490.0611%
1966*** 2401,2130.0691%
1965*** 2181,5110.0827%
1964*** 2001,8290.0935%
1963*** 1991,8010.0906%
1962*** 2081,7400.0859%
1961*** 1971,8460.0890%
1960*** 1941,9070.0917%
1959*** 1752,2050.1061%
1958*** 1612,3940.1160%
1957*** 1502,5200.1202%
1956*** 1472,5690.1248%
1955*** 2031,5570.0777%
1954*** 2401,1370.0571%
1953*** 2321,1790.0612%
1952*** 2579450.0497%
1951*** 2748140.0442%
1950*** 2847560.0430%
1949*** 2688230.0469%
1948*** 2558660.0497%
1947*** 2588500.0468%
1946*** 2557820.0486%
1945*** 3104830.0359%
1944*** 3563790.0278%
1943*** 3853560.0249%
1942*** 3903330.0239%
1941*** 3992970.0239%
1940*** 4112810.0238%
1939*** 4092720.0240%
1938*** 3573300.0289%
1937*** 3952690.0244%
1936*** 4182370.0220%
1935*** 3812760.0254%
1934*** 3942700.0250%
1933*** 3583100.0297%
1932*** 3802940.0266%
1931*** 3423470.0315%
1930*** 4132540.0218%
1929*** 4282400.0207%
1928*** 4642210.0185%
1927*** 4812100.0170%
1926*** 4752110.0172%
1925*** 5061920.0152%
1924*** 5301840.0142%
1923*** 5371770.0141%
1922*** 7151040.0083%
1921*** 808820.0064%
1920*** 871690.0055%
1919*** 920590.0050%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.