Baby Name Rankings of Dontae

Dontae: Statistics About The Baby Name Dontae

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20039591680.0080% ***
20029691630.0079% ***
20009841500.0072% ***
19998931680.0083% ***
19988231800.0089% ***
19977901870.0094% ***
19967182180.0109% ***
19959581340.0067% ***
19949881260.0062% ***
19938261620.0079% ***
19928151650.0079% ***
19917981670.0079% ***
19907351930.0090% ***
19897951550.0074% ***
19888391280.0064% ***
19877711420.0073% ***
19868871050.0055% ***
19857931250.0065% ***
19848791000.0053% ***
19838481060.0057% ***
19828831020.0054% ***
1981937910.0049% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.