Baby Name Rankings of Dominik

Dominik: Statistics About The Baby Name Dominik

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20219332400.0129% ***
20209442320.0126% ***
20198772490.0130% ***
20187932830.0147% ***
20177553090.0157% ***
20167193390.0168% ***
20156454030.0199% ***
20146164290.0211% ***
20135694550.0227% ***
20125015270.0262% ***
20115264790.0238% ***
20105924180.0206% ***
20095384860.0232% ***
20085774390.0204% ***
20075994130.0189% ***
20066123810.0177% ***
20056183530.0169% ***
20046363230.0155% ***
20036033450.0165% ***
20025763770.0183% ***
20017232410.0117% ***
20008391900.0091% ***
19997821990.0098% ***
19988671670.0083% ***
19978551650.0083% ***
19969841270.0063% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.