Baby Name Rankings of Domingo

Domingo: Statistics About The Baby Name Domingo

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
19939521270.0062% ***
19929231320.0063% ***
19919521250.0059% ***
19908231530.0071% ***
19898751320.0063% ***
19889431040.0052% ***
19877761400.0072% ***
19868361170.0061% ***
19857721310.0068% ***
19847431360.0073% ***
19837781250.0067% ***
19827451390.0074% ***
19817001530.0082% ***
19807181470.0079% ***
19797151450.0081% ***
19787071410.0083% ***
19776821540.0090% ***
19766421650.0101% ***
19756191720.0106% ***
19746661470.0090% ***
19736091700.0106% ***
19726971330.0080% ***
19716601550.0085% ***
19706021820.0096% ***
19696531460.0080% ***
19686261460.0082% ***
19676151480.0083% ***
19666451320.0073% ***
19655811730.0091% ***
19646491430.0071% ***
19636101660.0080% ***
19626171560.0074% ***
19616001730.0080% ***
19605951730.0080% ***
19596091610.0074% ***
19586021610.0075% ***
19576081570.0072% ***
19565821700.0079% ***
19555621710.0082% ***
19545661680.0081% ***
19535861500.0075% ***
19525661530.0078% ***
19515131750.0092% ***
19505321620.0089% ***
19494981770.0099% ***
19484981750.0098% ***
19474851900.0103% ***
19464581910.0116% ***
19455111370.0100% ***
19444631730.0125% ***
19435041510.0104% ***
19425551230.0087% ***
19414861460.0117% ***
19405311210.0102% ***
19394811410.0124% ***
19385111280.0113% ***
19375611070.0098% ***
1936590960.0090% ***
19354991310.0123% ***
19345301220.0115% ***
19335221180.0116% ***
19325701070.0100% ***
19314951340.0126% ***
19305051390.0123% ***
19294951400.0127% ***
19284761650.0145% ***
19274921520.0131% ***
19265571210.0106% ***
19255091430.0124% ***
19245171480.0127% ***
19235911140.0101% ***
19225101460.0130% ***
19215291380.0121% ***
19205541230.0112% ***
19195191310.0129% ***
19185681150.0110% ***
19175591110.0116% ***
1916590970.0105% ***
1915667760.0086% ***
1913840330.0062% ***
1911714200.0083% ***
1910586240.0115% ***
1909545230.0130% ***
1908752130.0078% ***
1907711140.0088% ***
190695080.0056% ***
1905757110.0077% ***
1904736110.0079% ***
1903666120.0093% ***
190281090.0068% ***
188871590.0069% ***
188597750.0043% ***
188479170.0057% ***
188286660.0049% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.