Baby Name Rankings of Dimitri

Dimitri: Statistics About The Baby Name Dimitri

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20219872200.0118% ***
20179092340.0119% ***
20169422210.0110% ***
20159052370.0117% ***
20148822440.0120% ***
20119821970.0098% ***
20079881940.0089% ***
20059511800.0086% ***
20049631710.0082% ***
20038312080.0100% ***
20027872180.0106% ***
20017462310.0112% ***
20007332330.0112% ***
19996802470.0121% ***
19986722530.0125% ***
19976642460.0123% ***
19967671920.0096% ***
19956482570.0128% ***
19945963010.0148% ***
19935723210.0156% ***
19925024000.0191% ***
19917251940.0092% ***
19899971050.0050% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.