Baby Name Rankings of Dianna

Dianna: Statistics About The Baby Name Dianna

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2004*** 9762410.0121%
2002*** 9712270.0115%
2001*** 8582650.0134%
2000*** 8462620.0132%
1999*** 8412570.0132%
1998*** 8462520.0130%
1997*** 8332480.0130%
1996*** 8202470.0129%
1995*** 8082450.0128%
1994*** 7572740.0141%
1993*** 7432790.0142%
1992*** 7302910.0145%
1991*** 6583330.0164%
1990*** 5943850.0188%
1989*** 5813770.0189%
1988*** 5553870.0202%
1987*** 5353760.0201%
1986*** 5104050.0220%
1985*** 4744450.0241%
1984*** 4644490.0249%
1983*** 4344880.0273%
1982*** 4275120.0283%
1981*** 4714500.0252%
1980*** 5083960.0223%
1979*** 4844210.0245%
1978*** 4234790.0292%
1977*** 4404660.0284%
1976*** 4404460.0284%
1975*** 4045010.0321%
1974*** 3635920.0378%
1973*** 3416390.0411%
1972*** 3127720.0479%
1971*** 3029090.0519%
1970*** 2929990.0546%
1969*** 2731,0510.0597%
1968*** 2471,1080.0648%
1967*** 2531,1080.0646%
1966*** 2361,2600.0718%
1965*** 2391,2860.0704%
1964*** 2271,4290.0730%
1963*** 2221,5100.0760%
1962*** 2231,4450.0713%
1961*** 2211,5200.0733%
1960*** 2071,6520.0794%
1959*** 2091,5670.0754%
1958*** 1991,7050.0826%
1957*** 1981,7750.0847%
1956*** 2261,3430.0652%
1955*** 2171,3880.0693%
1954*** 2121,4100.0708%
1953*** 2111,3990.0726%
1952*** 2061,3950.0733%
1951*** 1881,5330.0832%
1950*** 1881,4510.0825%
1949*** 1761,5590.0889%
1948*** 1721,6160.0928%
1947*** 1851,5390.0847%
1946*** 1831,4040.0872%
1945*** 1811,1320.0841%
1944*** 2288190.0600%
1943*** 2507710.0538%
1942*** 2885490.0394%
1941*** 3383770.0303%
1940*** 4002880.0244%
1939*** 4741970.0174%
1938*** 4941810.0159%
1937*** 5591460.0133%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.