Baby Name Rankings of Dewitt

Dewitt: Statistics About The Baby Name Dewitt

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1964938660.0033% ***
1962986600.0029% ***
1960987600.0028% ***
1958933660.0031% ***
1957915690.0032% ***
1956858760.0035% ***
1955871710.0034% ***
1954881700.0034% ***
1953814770.0039% ***
1952802760.0039% ***
1951772820.0043% ***
1950779770.0042% ***
1949706940.0052% ***
1948734840.0047% ***
1947748840.0045% ***
1946705850.0052% ***
1945733700.0051% ***
1944670860.0062% ***
1943663930.0064% ***
1942687870.0062% ***
1941690790.0063% ***
1940678800.0067% ***
1939648840.0074% ***
1938695760.0067% ***
19375751000.0092% ***
1936585970.0091% ***
1935689770.0072% ***
1934675810.0076% ***
1933644810.0080% ***
19325381190.0111% ***
1931587990.0093% ***
19305291270.0113% ***
19295651100.0099% ***
19285951080.0095% ***
19275281340.0116% ***
19265481230.0108% ***
19255081430.0124% ***
19245151490.0128% ***
19234761620.0143% ***
19224921600.0142% ***
19214881600.0141% ***
19204901520.0138% ***
19194881500.0148% ***
19184691600.0152% ***
19174981330.0139% ***
19164811400.0152% ***
19155061210.0137% ***
1914506930.0136% ***
1913486800.0149% ***
1912447770.0171% ***
1911484370.0154% ***
1910395440.0211% ***
1909404370.0210% ***
1908501250.0150% ***
1907517210.0132% ***
1906368330.0229% ***
1905326380.0265% ***
1904361310.0224% ***
1903372270.0209% ***
1902341330.0249% ***
1901353270.0233% ***
1900362370.0228% ***
1899386230.0200% ***
1898270440.0333% ***
1897340300.0246% ***
1896341310.0240% ***
1895280400.0316% ***
1894300340.0272% ***
1893259460.0380% ***
1892280420.0319% ***
1891298310.0284% ***
1890317300.0251% ***
1889288340.0286% ***
1888315320.0246% ***
1887299310.0284% ***
1886289350.0294% ***
1885415190.0164% ***
1884402200.0163% ***
1883374210.0187% ***
1882439170.0139% ***
1881334240.0222% ***
1880306300.0253% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.