Baby Name Rankings of Deshawn

Deshawn: Statistics About The Baby Name Deshawn

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20189192300.0119% ***
20159952040.0101% ***
20148732470.0122% ***
20138192620.0131% ***
20127573000.0149% ***
20117483010.0150% ***
20106563630.0178% ***
20096923470.0166% ***
20085954150.0193% ***
20075754400.0202% ***
20065184900.0227% ***
20056003700.0177% ***
20045484170.0201% ***
20035194590.0220% ***
20025623940.0191% ***
20015134400.0213% ***
20004864780.0230% ***
19994954420.0217% ***
19984285380.0266% ***
19974115630.0282% ***
19964544830.0241% ***
19954425170.0257% ***
19944085600.0275% ***
19934384990.0242% ***
19924464950.0236% ***
19914534730.0223% ***
19904814090.0190% ***
19895483130.0150% ***
19885402880.0144% ***
19875862390.0123% ***
19865912240.0117% ***
19856142030.0106% ***
19846491760.0094% ***
19836551700.0091% ***
19827241430.0076% ***
19817241420.0076% ***
19806871590.0086% ***
19796511720.0096% ***
19786231800.0106% ***
19776591630.0096% ***
19767111380.0085% ***
19756371620.0100% ***
19746411580.0097% ***
19736931330.0083% ***
19727981000.0060% ***
1971927770.0042% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.