Baby Name Rankings of Dereck

Dereck: Statistics About The Baby Name Dereck

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20238362900.0158% ***
19939571260.0061% ***
19929191330.0063% ***
19918941390.0066% ***
19907781700.0079% ***
19897221870.0089% ***
19887401630.0082% ***
19877061670.0086% ***
19867611420.0074% ***
19857431420.0074% ***
19847161480.0079% ***
19836701630.0088% ***
19826921570.0083% ***
19817701280.0069% ***
19807021530.0083% ***
19798471040.0058% ***
1978980770.0045% ***
1975964720.0044% ***
1974979700.0043% ***
1973868840.0052% ***
1972911770.0046% ***
1971933760.0042% ***
1970851900.0047% ***
1969900720.0039% ***
1968892650.0037% ***
1967994530.0030% ***
1966994540.0030% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.