Baby Name Rankings of Deonte

Deonte: Statistics About The Baby Name Deonte

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20038751940.0093% ***
20027892170.0105% ***
20016882620.0127% ***
20006053200.0154% ***
19995903300.0162% ***
19985393710.0183% ***
19975213880.0195% ***
19964914300.0215% ***
19954864440.0221% ***
19944824430.0218% ***
19935014150.0201% ***
19925233700.0177% ***
19915403500.0165% ***
19906152680.0125% ***
19895952680.0128% ***
19886981780.0089% ***
19878201290.0066% ***
19868111240.0065% ***
1985911990.0052% ***
1984975830.0044% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.