Baby Name Rankings of Deon

Deon: Statistics About The Baby Name Deon

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20139362140.0107% ***
20129852000.0100% ***
20119801980.0098% ***
20108852330.0115% ***
20098292600.0124% ***
20088302600.0121% ***
20077852700.0124% ***
20068492320.0108% ***
20058312180.0104% ***
20048132170.0104% ***
20037222520.0121% ***
20026922610.0127% ***
20017452310.0112% ***
20006083160.0152% ***
19996152950.0145% ***
19986152980.0147% ***
19975763210.0161% ***
19965133970.0198% ***
19954834470.0223% ***
19944734560.0224% ***
19934974160.0202% ***
19925303650.0174% ***
19915493420.0162% ***
19905473340.0155% ***
19895533020.0144% ***
19886022420.0121% ***
19876172160.0111% ***
19866232030.0106% ***
19855572490.0130% ***
19845762160.0115% ***
19836231880.0101% ***
19825982060.0109% ***
19815892090.0112% ***
19805082760.0149% ***
19795702260.0126% ***
19785172520.0148% ***
19775422340.0137% ***
19765372250.0138% ***
19755182400.0148% ***
19745412200.0135% ***
19735202290.0142% ***
19725002450.0147% ***
19715162490.0137% ***
19704852770.0146% ***
19695452070.0113% ***
19685122160.0122% ***
19676051520.0085% ***
19666171430.0079% ***
1965869720.0038% ***
1964929670.0033% ***
1963888710.0034% ***
1962831840.0040% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.