Baby Name Rankings of Denis

Denis: Statistics About The Baby Name Denis

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
19919661220.0058% ***
19899511140.0054% ***
19879381010.0052% ***
19868591110.0058% ***
1985917980.0051% ***
1983882990.0053% ***
1982971860.0046% ***
19817811240.0067% ***
19807841240.0067% ***
19798341080.0060% ***
19788261070.0063% ***
19777511290.0076% ***
19767141370.0084% ***
19757551210.0075% ***
19747081350.0083% ***
19737151270.0079% ***
19726221600.0096% ***
19716331690.0093% ***
19705692010.0106% ***
19695552000.0109% ***
19685052240.0126% ***
19675162090.0118% ***
19664632700.0149% ***
19654722720.0144% ***
19644772760.0136% ***
19634533040.0147% ***
19624403250.0155% ***
19614593070.0143% ***
19604163620.0167% ***
19594103710.0171% ***
19583874080.0190% ***
19573903900.0178% ***
19563364920.0230% ***
19553334930.0236% ***
19543035670.0274% ***
19532915830.0292% ***
19522776160.0312% ***
19512965370.0282% ***
19503114820.0265% ***
19493393910.0218% ***
19483234320.0243% ***
19473094930.0266% ***
19463074470.0272% ***
19453293270.0239% ***
19443393100.0224% ***
19433303410.0236% ***
19423103910.0278% ***
19413323020.0241% ***
19403452720.0229% ***
19393182960.0261% ***
19383562450.0216% ***
19373931980.0181% ***
19364331660.0156% ***
19354301700.0159% ***
19344781420.0134% ***
19334601450.0142% ***
19325861020.0095% ***
1931591980.0092% ***
1930664880.0078% ***
1929742720.0065% ***
1928789680.0060% ***
1927764740.0064% ***
1926701820.0072% ***
1925803680.0059% ***
1924922580.0050% ***
1922935560.0050% ***
1920995480.0044% ***
1918955490.0047% ***
1917934470.0049% ***
1912973220.0049% ***
1911993120.0050% ***
190594280.0056% ***
190490080.0058% ***
1900705130.0080% ***
1898671110.0083% ***
1896736100.0077% ***
1895615120.0095% ***
189498160.0048% ***
189385170.0058% ***
1892699100.0076% ***
189082670.0058% ***
188990060.0050% ***
188883670.0054% ***
188770080.0073% ***
188678270.0059% ***
188565890.0078% ***
188487860.0049% ***
188374170.0062% ***
1882547120.0098% ***
188161290.0083% ***
1880609100.0084% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.