Baby Name Rankings of Demarcus

Demarcus: Statistics About The Baby Name Demarcus

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20139132250.0112% ***
20129502110.0105% ***
20119062220.0110% ***
20108212580.0127% ***
20098202660.0127% ***
20087083240.0151% ***
20077672820.0129% ***
20067352850.0132% ***
20057532580.0124% ***
20047762310.0111% ***
20037512370.0114% ***
20027022530.0123% ***
20017042520.0122% ***
20006213020.0145% ***
19996053020.0148% ***
19985783380.0167% ***
19975383670.0184% ***
19965114020.0201% ***
19954974280.0213% ***
19944534870.0239% ***
19934634550.0221% ***
19924694600.0219% ***
19914385100.0241% ***
19904424990.0232% ***
19894404570.0218% ***
19884284370.0219% ***
19874603670.0189% ***
19864503740.0195% ***
19854543550.0185% ***
19845292610.0139% ***
19835022770.0149% ***
19825412510.0133% ***
19815862110.0114% ***
19805762240.0121% ***
19796391780.0100% ***
19786641580.0093% ***
19777091430.0084% ***
19767991080.0066% ***
1975866920.0057% ***
1974939750.0046% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.