Baby Name Rankings of Demarco

Demarco: Statistics About The Baby Name Demarco

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20009721540.0074% ***
19998901690.0083% ***
19987871940.0096% ***
19978421700.0085% ***
19968641600.0080% ***
19958711560.0078% ***
19949511340.0066% ***
19938391580.0077% ***
19927741810.0086% ***
19917381890.0089% ***
19908011590.0074% ***
19899031260.0060% ***
19888771180.0059% ***
19878981090.0056% ***
19869011020.0053% ***
1985971880.0046% ***
1983993790.0042% ***
1982976850.0045% ***
1981953890.0048% ***
1980933910.0049% ***
1979900940.0053% ***
1978908900.0053% ***
1976968740.0045% ***
1975973710.0044% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.