Baby Name Rankings of Delois

Delois: Statistics About The Baby Name Delois

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1963*** 9241300.0065%
1961*** 9421310.0063%
1960*** 8401520.0073%
1959*** 8271530.0074%
1958*** 7781660.0080%
1957*** 6212510.0120%
1956*** 6132440.0119%
1955*** 6002380.0119%
1954*** 5842390.0120%
1953*** 5542490.0129%
1952*** 5002820.0148%
1951*** 4982700.0146%
1950*** 5082550.0145%
1949*** 4832750.0157%
1948*** 4453180.0183%
1947*** 4842870.0158%
1946*** 4682800.0174%
1945*** 4682360.0175%
1944*** 4612420.0177%
1943*** 4942260.0158%
1942*** 5032180.0157%
1941*** 4762160.0174%
1940*** 5051870.0158%
1939*** 5201650.0146%
1938*** 4901840.0161%
1937*** 4781890.0172%
1936*** 4911730.0161%
1935*** 5061600.0147%
1934*** 4851750.0162%
1933*** 5591300.0124%
1932*** 5581370.0124%
1931*** 6331100.0100%
1930*** 6441150.0099%
1929*** 776810.0070%
1928*** 752890.0075%
1927*** 819790.0064%
1926*** 750920.0075%
1925*** 820820.0065%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.