Baby Name Rankings of Dejuan

Dejuan: Statistics About The Baby Name Dejuan

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
19999961410.0069% ***
19989661430.0071% ***
19978691590.0080% ***
19969251410.0070% ***
19959991230.0061% ***
19949741280.0063% ***
19939411300.0063% ***
19929381300.0062% ***
19918931390.0066% ***
19907961630.0076% ***
19898791310.0063% ***
19888171340.0067% ***
19878441220.0063% ***
19867251560.0081% ***
19857171510.0079% ***
19847711250.0067% ***
19837591290.0069% ***
19828351130.0060% ***
19817301400.0075% ***
19808401100.0059% ***
19797701270.0071% ***
19788121100.0065% ***
19778501010.0059% ***
19768081060.0065% ***
1975846960.0059% ***
1974913790.0049% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.