Baby Name Rankings of Deidre

Deidre: Statistics About The Baby Name Deidre

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1993*** 9222070.0105%
1992*** 6303580.0179%
1991*** 7352820.0139%
1990*** 9691920.0094%
1989*** 8662140.0108%
1988*** 6932760.0144%
1987*** 5483660.0196%
1986*** 5543660.0199%
1985*** 5693440.0187%
1984*** 5773180.0177%
1983*** 5803070.0172%
1982*** 6302850.0157%
1981*** 6382770.0155%
1980*** 5773220.0181%
1979*** 5763150.0183%
1978*** 6052810.0171%
1977*** 6022820.0172%
1976*** 6122550.0162%
1975*** 5942710.0174%
1974*** 5792750.0176%
1973*** 5652910.0187%
1972*** 6032640.0164%
1971*** 5043760.0215%
1970*** 4365050.0276%
1969*** 4744150.0236%
1968*** 4833980.0233%
1967*** 4883800.0221%
1966*** 4574240.0242%
1965*** 4813900.0213%
1964*** 4434820.0246%
1963*** 4125440.0274%
1962*** 4205370.0265%
1961*** 4584560.0220%
1960*** 5253390.0163%
1959*** 6542340.0113%
1958*** 7691690.0082%
1957*** 7231910.0091%
1956*** 7581650.0080%
1955*** 8561290.0064%
1954*** 995960.0048%
1953*** 8211270.0066%
1952*** 8491170.0062%
1951*** 7501380.0075%
1950*** 7001500.0085%
1949*** 7121410.0080%
1948*** 7511290.0074%
1947*** 8431080.0059%
1946*** 938780.0048%
1945*** 982620.0046%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.