Baby Name Rankings of Deanne

Deanne: Statistics About The Baby Name Deanne

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1983*** 9321590.0089%
1982*** 9581550.0086%
1981*** 8631790.0100%
1980*** 8671770.0100%
1979*** 8461840.0107%
1978*** 9071570.0096%
1977*** 7512030.0124%
1976*** 7491930.0123%
1975*** 6922160.0139%
1974*** 5912670.0171%
1973*** 5393110.0200%
1972*** 4833680.0228%
1971*** 4664320.0247%
1970*** 3925970.0326%
1969*** 3905830.0331%
1968*** 3775830.0341%
1967*** 3865610.0327%
1966*** 3995290.0301%
1965*** 3855750.0315%
1964*** 4075740.0293%
1963*** 4245250.0264%
1962*** 3845990.0296%
1961*** 4325160.0249%
1960*** 4724280.0206%
1959*** 5323310.0159%
1958*** 5862870.0139%
1957*** 6302400.0114%
1956*** 6452180.0106%
1955*** 6671960.0098%
1954*** 6302100.0106%
1953*** 7741400.0073%
1952*** 7151550.0081%
1951*** 7141500.0081%
1950*** 6991500.0085%
1949*** 7301350.0077%
1948*** 7281340.0077%
1947*** 6861500.0083%
1946*** 6731410.0088%
1945*** 5911510.0112%
1944*** 6301350.0099%
1943*** 5821680.0117%
1942*** 5691690.0121%
1941*** 5971390.0112%
1940*** 5131830.0155%
1939*** 5161690.0149%
1938*** 4442310.0202%
1937*** 4252300.0209%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.