Baby Name Rankings of Deanna

Deanna: Statistics About The Baby Name Deanna

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2013*** 9072790.0146%
2012*** 9162780.0145%
2011*** 8173230.0168%
2010*** 7123930.0202%
2009*** 6004950.0247%
2008*** 5925200.0253%
2007*** 5495490.0263%
2006*** 5325580.0271%
2005*** 4826230.0313%
2004*** 4536610.0333%
2003*** 4217110.0357%
2002*** 3498490.0432%
2001*** 3548340.0423%
2000*** 3041,0470.0526%
1999*** 2771,1300.0582%
1998*** 2471,2400.0641%
1997*** 2221,3420.0704%
1996*** 2121,3870.0724%
1995*** 1881,5850.0826%
1994*** 1651,8740.0963%
1993*** 1611,9360.0983%
1992*** 1551,9750.0986%
1991*** 1581,8760.0924%
1990*** 1581,8560.0905%
1989*** 1621,7570.0883%
1988*** 1631,7370.0905%
1987*** 1691,6370.0875%
1986*** 1641,6620.0902%
1985*** 1561,8140.0984%
1984*** 1511,9160.1064%
1983*** 1491,9170.1073%
1982*** 1561,8950.1046%
1981*** 1461,9420.1088%
1980*** 1491,8650.1049%
1979*** 1451,9500.1133%
1978*** 1362,0280.1235%
1977*** 1382,0960.1276%
1976*** 1282,1180.1349%
1975*** 1262,2730.1458%
1974*** 1152,5600.1636%
1973*** 1112,7920.1798%
1972*** 1083,0400.1886%
1971*** 953,7900.2165%
1970*** 914,3270.2364%
1969*** 884,0670.2308%
1968*** 1043,4130.1997%
1967*** 1043,3440.1948%
1966*** 1053,2990.1880%
1965*** 1103,4020.1862%
1964*** 1153,5760.1828%
1963*** 1343,1220.1571%
1962*** 1383,0610.1511%
1961*** 1552,6830.1293%
1960*** 1732,2930.1103%
1959*** 1951,8280.0880%
1958*** 2201,3770.0667%
1957*** 2371,2880.0614%
1956*** 2381,2100.0588%
1955*** 2531,0680.0533%
1954*** 2689830.0494%
1953*** 2818820.0458%
1952*** 2848170.0430%
1951*** 2569130.0495%
1950*** 2538930.0508%
1949*** 2409700.0553%
1948*** 2281,0640.0611%
1947*** 2101,2560.0692%
1946*** 1921,2750.0792%
1945*** 1751,1860.0881%
1944*** 1671,3060.0957%
1943*** 1601,5660.1094%
1942*** 1601,4530.1044%
1941*** 1371,8500.1486%
1940*** 1361,8000.1524%
1939*** 1331,8070.1593%
1938*** 1152,2500.1972%
1937*** 1391,6220.1473%
1936*** 764780.0072%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.