Baby Name Rankings of Deangelo

Deangelo: Statistics About The Baby Name Deangelo

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20189832090.0108% ***
20159722110.0104% ***
20149682150.0106% ***
20138922310.0115% ***
20128692410.0120% ***
20117982740.0136% ***
20108252570.0126% ***
20098162680.0128% ***
20087393040.0141% ***
20078382490.0114% ***
20067942560.0119% ***
20057892400.0115% ***
20048781950.0094% ***
20039141810.0087% ***
20028212030.0099% ***
20018811780.0086% ***
20006482790.0134% ***
19996222920.0144% ***
19986362800.0138% ***
19975353720.0187% ***
19964904300.0215% ***
19956182750.0137% ***
19946512560.0126% ***
19935913040.0147% ***
19925343600.0172% ***
19914624550.0215% ***
19904544760.0222% ***
19894534290.0205% ***
19884783700.0185% ***
19874773460.0178% ***
19865003040.0159% ***
19855392630.0137% ***
19845572390.0128% ***
19836221880.0101% ***
19827791260.0067% ***
19818841010.0054% ***
19807621310.0071% ***
19798181130.0063% ***
1978907900.0053% ***
1977922850.0050% ***
19767651170.0072% ***
1975952740.0046% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.