Baby Name Rankings of Deandre

Deandre: Statistics About The Baby Name Deandre

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20239632310.0126% ***
20218802610.0140% ***
20207633140.0170% ***
20197033530.0185% ***
20186973440.0178% ***
20176833620.0184% ***
20166743770.0187% ***
20156104390.0217% ***
20146194250.0209% ***
20135764450.0222% ***
20125115130.0255% ***
20115105020.0249% ***
20104995130.0252% ***
20094915500.0262% ***
20084605940.0276% ***
20074615870.0269% ***
20064525870.0272% ***
20054405850.0280% ***
20044146180.0297% ***
20034056360.0305% ***
20023657210.0350% ***
20013328290.0402% ***
20002931,0310.0495% ***
19993248540.0420% ***
19982879930.0491% ***
19972751,0160.0509% ***
19962691,0440.0522% ***
19952501,1410.0568% ***
19942501,1470.0564% ***
19932661,0820.0525% ***
19922771,0360.0494% ***
19912521,0900.0515% ***
19902769450.0440% ***
19892778920.0426% ***
19883146920.0347% ***
19873375990.0308% ***
19863525370.0280% ***
19853764810.0250% ***
19843904370.0233% ***
19834563310.0178% ***
19824653310.0176% ***
19815332460.0132% ***
19805202690.0145% ***
19795902090.0117% ***
19785182500.0147% ***
19775782080.0122% ***
19766111790.0110% ***
19756271660.0102% ***
19747471180.0072% ***
19737241230.0076% ***
1972821950.0057% ***
1971899820.0045% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.