Baby Name Rankings of Deacon

Deacon: Statistics About The Baby Name Deacon

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20235345530.0302% ***
20225155700.0306% ***
20214736280.0338% ***
20205175520.0299% ***
20195085570.0292% ***
20184865990.0311% ***
20175025750.0293% ***
20164686500.0322% ***
20154536640.0328% ***
20144217240.0357% ***
20134416470.0323% ***
20126793450.0172% ***
20116623540.0176% ***
20106983310.0163% ***
20096853510.0167% ***
20086423740.0174% ***
20076313770.0173% ***
20066873230.0150% ***
20058032340.0112% ***
20048921900.0091% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.