Baby Name Rankings of Dax

Dax: Statistics About The Baby Name Dax

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20235585190.0283% ***
20224446950.0373% ***
20214636400.0344% ***
20204736290.0341% ***
20194107450.0390% ***
20184536550.0340% ***
20174566610.0337% ***
20165185720.0283% ***
20155495160.0255% ***
20146044410.0217% ***
20136423770.0188% ***
20126343750.0187% ***
20117123190.0158% ***
20107662890.0142% ***
20097892830.0135% ***
20087662850.0133% ***
20079342090.0096% ***
1978896920.0054% ***
19777951150.0067% ***
19768231030.0063% ***
19757691160.0072% ***
1974809990.0061% ***
19737141270.0079% ***
1972804990.0059% ***
19717461200.0066% ***
1970864870.0046% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.