Baby Name Rankings of Davion

Davion: Statistics About The Baby Name Davion

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20218992550.0137% ***
20209432320.0126% ***
20199752180.0114% ***
20189382220.0115% ***
20178782440.0124% ***
20167863010.0149% ***
20157463210.0158% ***
20147183320.0164% ***
20136543660.0183% ***
20126473650.0182% ***
20115504580.0228% ***
20104745420.0267% ***
20094665780.0276% ***
20084406430.0299% ***
20074366320.0290% ***
20064785460.0253% ***
20054306110.0293% ***
20044435790.0278% ***
20035074770.0228% ***
20024355710.0278% ***
20015014530.0220% ***
20004754940.0237% ***
19994644880.0240% ***
19985703420.0169% ***
19976552500.0125% ***
19966872360.0118% ***
19957182190.0109% ***
19947252080.0102% ***
19937861790.0087% ***
19928531540.0073% ***
19918861420.0067% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.