Baby Name Rankings of Darron

Darron: Statistics About The Baby Name Darron

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
19899751100.0053% ***
19889071110.0056% ***
1987982930.0048% ***
1986928970.0051% ***
19857821280.0067% ***
19848541060.0057% ***
19838771000.0054% ***
1982921940.0050% ***
1981923950.0051% ***
1979935880.0049% ***
1978933860.0050% ***
1977954800.0047% ***
1976858940.0058% ***
19758151040.0064% ***
19747811050.0065% ***
19736821360.0084% ***
19727161240.0074% ***
19716481600.0088% ***
19705831920.0101% ***
19695172260.0124% ***
19684792490.0140% ***
19674522760.0155% ***
19664452950.0162% ***
19654103700.0195% ***
19646021710.0084% ***
1963802890.0043% ***
19627571020.0049% ***
1961784940.0044% ***
1960929660.0030% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.