Baby Name Rankings of Darrick

Darrick: Statistics About The Baby Name Darrick

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
19949711290.0063% ***
19918441510.0071% ***
19908181540.0072% ***
19898191460.0070% ***
19888621210.0061% ***
19878841120.0058% ***
19868341170.0061% ***
19857631340.0070% ***
19847781230.0066% ***
19837541310.0070% ***
19827691300.0069% ***
19816991530.0082% ***
19806191990.0108% ***
19795322520.0141% ***
19784143540.0208% ***
19774433230.0189% ***
19764562950.0181% ***
19754682950.0182% ***
19744712880.0177% ***
19734423120.0194% ***
19724463140.0188% ***
19714063930.0217% ***
19704483370.0177% ***
19694782550.0139% ***
19686251460.0082% ***
19676171470.0083% ***
19666631240.0068% ***
19656511310.0069% ***
19647641000.0049% ***
19637511070.0052% ***
1962830840.0040% ***
1961906710.0033% ***
1960886740.0034% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.