Baby Name Rankings of Darold

Darold: Statistics About The Baby Name Darold

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1968985560.0032% ***
1966993540.0030% ***
1965976570.0030% ***
1964976610.0030% ***
1963962610.0030% ***
1962962630.0030% ***
1960850790.0036% ***
1958924670.0031% ***
1957862760.0035% ***
1956880720.0034% ***
1955879700.0034% ***
1954922640.0031% ***
1953829750.0038% ***
1952887630.0032% ***
1951833710.0037% ***
1950791740.0041% ***
1949862630.0035% ***
1948837660.0037% ***
1947790760.0041% ***
1946753770.0047% ***
1945768640.0047% ***
1944754680.0049% ***
1943755740.0051% ***
1942653960.0068% ***
1941714750.0060% ***
1940689770.0065% ***
1939614900.0079% ***
1938644860.0076% ***
1937714710.0065% ***
1936627870.0082% ***
1935590960.0090% ***
1934661840.0079% ***
1933678760.0075% ***
1932591990.0092% ***
1931689760.0071% ***
1930834610.0054% ***
1929684810.0073% ***
1928663900.0079% ***
1927779710.0061% ***
1926905550.0048% ***
1925971490.0043% ***
1924888610.0052% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.