Baby Name Rankings of Darnell

Darnell: Statistics About The Baby Name Darnell

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20129822010.0100% ***
20118802350.0117% ***
20108892320.0114% ***
20097912820.0135% ***
20087303110.0145% ***
20077103210.0147% ***
20067113010.0140% ***
20057192760.0132% ***
20047072670.0128% ***
20036772850.0136% ***
20026912620.0127% ***
20016872620.0127% ***
20006552740.0132% ***
19996013120.0153% ***
19985563530.0174% ***
19975513540.0177% ***
19965074110.0205% ***
19955163930.0196% ***
19944684660.0229% ***
19934754420.0214% ***
19924195310.0253% ***
19914045630.0266% ***
19903536790.0316% ***
19893486590.0315% ***
19883286520.0327% ***
19873126830.0351% ***
19862966930.0361% ***
19853056720.0350% ***
19842797400.0395% ***
19833066430.0346% ***
19823445370.0285% ***
19813584900.0264% ***
19803495150.0278% ***
19793534960.0277% ***
19783145660.0332% ***
19773455170.0303% ***
19763524730.0290% ***
19753654530.0280% ***
19743674280.0263% ***
19733574670.0290% ***
19723594690.0280% ***
19713694720.0260% ***
19703714820.0253% ***
19693734390.0240% ***
19683953880.0219% ***
19673823880.0218% ***
19663993530.0194% ***
19654223410.0180% ***
19644103850.0190% ***
19634233590.0174% ***
19624243560.0169% ***
19614233500.0163% ***
19604463270.0151% ***
19594183590.0166% ***
19583963870.0180% ***
19574183490.0160% ***
19564313060.0143% ***
19553963350.0161% ***
19544182940.0142% ***
19534262700.0135% ***
19524202730.0138% ***
19514602170.0114% ***
19505071740.0096% ***
19496261190.0066% ***
19486551070.0060% ***
1947863650.0035% ***
1946744780.0047% ***
1945852540.0039% ***
1944881520.0038% ***
1941953450.0036% ***
1939984420.0037% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.