Baby Name Rankings of Darion

Darion: Statistics About The Baby Name Darion

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20088902310.0107% ***
20078042620.0120% ***
20068692250.0104% ***
20059501800.0086% ***
20048582020.0097% ***
20037662280.0109% ***
20027112480.0121% ***
20016502860.0139% ***
20006582730.0131% ***
19996402740.0135% ***
19986142980.0147% ***
19976102880.0144% ***
19966172820.0141% ***
19955883020.0150% ***
19945263730.0183% ***
19936002960.0144% ***
19927491900.0091% ***
19917811730.0082% ***
19908581410.0066% ***
19899311190.0057% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.