Baby Name Rankings of Darcy

Darcy: Statistics About The Baby Name Darcy

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1994*** 9881880.0097%
1993*** 8952150.0109%
1992*** 9332080.0104%
1991*** 7892590.0128%
1990*** 7822580.0126%
1989*** 7182750.0138%
1988*** 7622450.0128%
1987*** 8442040.0109%
1986*** 6682750.0149%
1985*** 6332940.0159%
1984*** 5183730.0207%
1983*** 5253610.0202%
1982*** 5053980.0220%
1981*** 5103910.0219%
1980*** 4634570.0257%
1979*** 4924100.0238%
1978*** 4963910.0238%
1977*** 4624240.0258%
1976*** 4464360.0278%
1975*** 4234730.0303%
1974*** 3955160.0330%
1973*** 4134790.0308%
1972*** 3945200.0323%
1971*** 3666480.0370%
1970896800.0042% 3626790.0371%
1969924680.0037% 3626390.0363%
1968870680.0038% 3496420.0376%
1967899640.0036% 3895600.0326%
1966985550.0030% 4125050.0288%
1965948600.0032% 3995440.0298%
1964*** 3976030.0308%
1963901690.0033% 4235250.0264%
1962*** 4325070.0250%
1961931670.0031% 4035820.0281%
1960*** 4424830.0232%
1959966630.0029% 4774120.0198%
1958894710.0033% 5463130.0152%
1957869750.0034% 5642900.0138%
1956*** 5113340.0162%
1955878700.0034% 5342970.0148%
1954969580.0028% 5182950.0148%
1953*** 5622410.0125%
1952*** 6251990.0105%
1951*** 6201930.0105%
1950*** 7661280.0073%
1949*** 958870.0050%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.