Baby Name Rankings of Danita

Danita: Statistics About The Baby Name Danita

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1978*** 9431490.0091%
1977*** 7162160.0131%
1976*** 8281670.0106%
1975*** 7691840.0118%
1974*** 7152020.0129%
1973*** 7451860.0120%
1972*** 7002080.0129%
1971*** 6702330.0133%
1970*** 6802330.0127%
1969*** 6372410.0137%
1968*** 6192410.0141%
1967*** 6352270.0132%
1966*** 5962510.0143%
1965*** 6042570.0141%
1964*** 5982770.0142%
1963*** 5692980.0150%
1962*** 5922810.0139%
1961*** 5623140.0151%
1960*** 5772910.0140%
1959*** 5692960.0142%
1958*** 5493110.0151%
1957*** 6062600.0124%
1956*** 6811990.0097%
1955*** 7751530.0076%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.