Baby Name Rankings of Danica

Danica: Statistics About The Baby Name Danica

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2017*** 8703100.0165%
2016*** 8633240.0168%
2015*** 7073990.0206%
2014*** 5575500.0284%
2013*** 5555200.0272%
2012*** 5115940.0309%
2011*** 4636380.0332%
2010*** 4257330.0378%
2009*** 3798510.0425%
2008*** 3369730.0473%
2007*** 3071,0940.0525%
2006*** 3529260.0450%
2005*** 6104580.0230%
1995*** 8372330.0121%
1994*** 7762620.0135%
1993*** 7162970.0151%
1992*** 7722680.0134%
1991*** 7312840.0140%
1990*** 6403510.0171%
1989*** 6403280.0165%
1988*** 8602070.0108%
1987*** 9681630.0087%
1986*** 9571640.0089%
1985*** 8601860.0101%
1984*** 7952000.0111%
1983*** 8851720.0096%
1982*** 9501560.0086%
1981*** 9601520.0085%
1980*** 9481580.0089%
1979*** 8971660.0096%
1978*** 9631440.0088%
1977*** 9261510.0092%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.