Baby Name Rankings of Danial

Danial: Statistics About The Baby Name Danial

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
19889361050.0053% ***
19878971090.0056% ***
19868411160.0060% ***
19858301160.0060% ***
19848611040.0056% ***
19838421070.0058% ***
19827391400.0074% ***
19818001200.0065% ***
19808591060.0057% ***
19798061160.0065% ***
19787401300.0076% ***
19777581260.0074% ***
19767181360.0083% ***
19757021390.0086% ***
19747261250.0077% ***
19736031710.0106% ***
19726371540.0092% ***
19717001390.0077% ***
19706561550.0081% ***
19696581440.0079% ***
19686201490.0084% ***
19675911640.0092% ***
19665781710.0094% ***
19655302100.0111% ***
19645601990.0098% ***
19635731890.0092% ***
19625552020.0096% ***
19615631930.0090% ***
19605891760.0081% ***
19595721870.0086% ***
19585651860.0087% ***
19575362080.0095% ***
19565501890.0088% ***
19555441850.0089% ***
19545132010.0097% ***
19535551620.0081% ***
19525091870.0095% ***
19515421560.0082% ***
19505371610.0089% ***
19495901310.0073% ***
19486661020.0057% ***
1947712930.0050% ***
1946772740.0045% ***
1945817580.0042% ***
1944933470.0034% ***
1943977470.0032% ***
1942857580.0041% ***
1940873520.0044% ***
1938982420.0037% ***
1933979420.0041% ***
189590070.0055% ***
189488270.0056% ***
189287570.0053% ***
1888660100.0077% ***
188686960.0050% ***
188571880.0069% ***
188479070.0057% ***
188392950.0044% ***
1881570100.0092% ***
188069680.0068% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.