Baby Name Rankings of Dane

Dane: Statistics About The Baby Name Dane

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20238982560.0140% ***
20228752730.0146% ***
20218462780.0149% ***
20208352720.0148% ***
20198792480.0130% ***
20187563100.0161% ***
20177583080.0157% ***
20167013520.0174% ***
20156264230.0209% ***
20146254190.0206% ***
20135514750.0237% ***
20124775660.0282% ***
20114695690.0283% ***
20104106830.0336% ***
20093688130.0388% ***
20083509120.0424% ***
20073379400.0431% ***
20063937530.0349% ***
20054535550.0266% ***
20044685310.0255% ***
20034395690.0273% ***
20024585320.0259% ***
20014415480.0266% ***
20004245820.0280% ***
19994285450.0268% ***
19984814550.0225% ***
19974425040.0253% ***
19964345180.0259% ***
19954435160.0257% ***
19944365210.0256% ***
19934315160.0250% ***
19924105520.0263% ***
19913905800.0274% ***
19903367360.0343% ***
19893386830.0326% ***
19882997570.0379% ***
19872857550.0388% ***
19862201,0670.0556% ***
19852291,0030.0522% ***
19843066340.0339% ***
19832528290.0446% ***
19824203970.0211% ***
19814543340.0180% ***
19804673200.0173% ***
19794363370.0188% ***
19785042590.0152% ***
19776521670.0098% ***
19766561560.0096% ***
19756471590.0098% ***
19746091740.0107% ***
19735412080.0129% ***
19725622020.0121% ***
19715662060.0114% ***
19705272360.0124% ***
19694932440.0133% ***
19684742550.0144% ***
19675052220.0125% ***
19665711760.0097% ***
19655212160.0114% ***
19644323400.0168% ***
19634483160.0153% ***
19624752790.0133% ***
19614683000.0139% ***
19604662890.0133% ***
19594233520.0163% ***
19584612880.0134% ***
19574133550.0162% ***
19564392930.0137% ***
19554912230.0107% ***
19544282810.0136% ***
19535311780.0089% ***
19525031900.0096% ***
19515321600.0084% ***
19505481510.0083% ***
19495281590.0089% ***
19485551440.0081% ***
19475101760.0095% ***
19465411390.0085% ***
1945738690.0050% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.