Baby Name Rankings of Dandre

Dandre: Statistics About The Baby Name Dandre

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20079971910.0088% ***
20069921820.0084% ***
20059391820.0087% ***
20048082180.0105% ***
20037822220.0106% ***
20027212450.0119% ***
20016113170.0154% ***
20005653640.0175% ***
19996212920.0144% ***
19985823330.0165% ***
19975863100.0155% ***
19965363590.0179% ***
19956152790.0139% ***
19946252800.0138% ***
19936252710.0131% ***
19926812300.0110% ***
19916752250.0106% ***
19907461860.0087% ***
19897361800.0086% ***
19887501590.0080% ***
19878601170.0060% ***
19868571120.0058% ***
1985959910.0047% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.