Baby Name Rankings of Dahlia

Dahlia: Statistics About The Baby Name Dahlia

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 2531,2190.0697%
2022*** 2801,1270.0632%
2021*** 3091,0310.0579%
2020*** 3528710.0494%
2019*** 3728430.0462%
2018*** 4107500.0406%
2017*** 3937900.0421%
2016*** 3908450.0438%
2015*** 4127730.0399%
2014*** 4457190.0371%
2013*** 4396910.0362%
2012*** 5215770.0300%
2011*** 5385360.0279%
2010*** 6504470.0230%
2009*** 6604390.0219%
2008*** 7453920.0191%
2007*** 8123480.0167%
2006*** 9882590.0126%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.