Baby Name Rankings of Cortez

Cortez: Statistics About The Baby Name Cortez

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20139112260.0113% ***
20119971930.0096% ***
20109402110.0104% ***
20099082250.0107% ***
20089901950.0091% ***
20079602010.0092% ***
20069381960.0091% ***
20058262210.0106% ***
20049111840.0088% ***
20038741940.0093% ***
20029681630.0079% ***
20018122040.0099% ***
20007412300.0110% ***
19997052360.0116% ***
19987602090.0103% ***
19977252140.0107% ***
19967322090.0104% ***
19956932340.0117% ***
19946242800.0138% ***
19935863110.0151% ***
19925923010.0144% ***
19915623220.0152% ***
19905333460.0161% ***
19895413200.0153% ***
19886162340.0117% ***
19876122180.0112% ***
19866152100.0110% ***
19856351910.0099% ***
19846901580.0084% ***
19837151440.0077% ***
19828181170.0062% ***
19818261130.0061% ***
19808471080.0058% ***
1979890960.0054% ***
19788341050.0062% ***
1977864960.0056% ***
1976846970.0060% ***
1975897850.0052% ***
1973849870.0054% ***
1972985680.0041% ***
188296850.0041% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.