Baby Name Rankings of Corbin

Corbin: Statistics About The Baby Name Corbin

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20234546750.0369% ***
20224287200.0386% ***
20213668820.0474% ***
20203469180.0498% ***
20192891,1780.0617% ***
20182771,2570.0652% ***
20172581,4120.0719% ***
20162371,6000.0793% ***
20152211,7610.0869% ***
20142031,9100.0941% ***
20132171,6910.0845% ***
20122211,6080.0800% ***
20112071,6980.0844% ***
20102501,3500.0664% ***
20092781,2140.0579% ***
20082621,3270.0617% ***
20072441,4540.0667% ***
20062891,1660.0541% ***
20053111,0480.0502% ***
20042681,2010.0578% ***
20032801,1070.0530% ***
20022921,0160.0494% ***
20012969930.0482% ***
20002921,0330.0496% ***
19992929810.0482% ***
19983228470.0419% ***
19974225470.0274% ***
19964195390.0269% ***
19954125550.0276% ***
19944005820.0286% ***
19934355060.0245% ***
19923935820.0278% ***
19914115530.0261% ***
19904265280.0246% ***
19894065250.0251% ***
19884733740.0187% ***
19875902340.0120% ***
1976890870.0053% ***
1972976690.0041% ***
1970978680.0036% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.