Baby Name Rankings of Columbus

Columbus: Statistics About The Baby Name Columbus

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1958998580.0027% ***
1957965620.0028% ***
1956955610.0028% ***
1955897680.0033% ***
1954843740.0036% ***
1953886650.0033% ***
1952816740.0038% ***
1951820730.0038% ***
1950740850.0047% ***
1949770800.0045% ***
1948720870.0049% ***
1947730880.0048% ***
1946782720.0044% ***
1945705740.0054% ***
1944646920.0066% ***
1943646970.0067% ***
1942679910.0065% ***
1941601990.0079% ***
1940658840.0071% ***
1939604930.0082% ***
1938594980.0086% ***
19375581090.0100% ***
1936618890.0084% ***
1935597940.0088% ***
19345721070.0101% ***
19335611040.0102% ***
19325731060.0099% ***
19315541110.0104% ***
19305601150.0102% ***
19295191280.0116% ***
19284981480.0130% ***
19275141400.0121% ***
19264961470.0128% ***
19254931520.0132% ***
19245091510.0129% ***
19234611770.0156% ***
19224471880.0167% ***
19215081480.0130% ***
19205021450.0132% ***
19194621650.0162% ***
19184851510.0144% ***
19174771450.0151% ***
19164911340.0145% ***
19154701370.0155% ***
19144591100.0161% ***
19134241030.0192% ***
1912494640.0142% ***
1911390530.0220% ***
1910422410.0197% ***
1909327500.0283% ***
1908317480.0289% ***
1907353390.0246% ***
1906350350.0243% ***
1905330370.0258% ***
1904329370.0267% ***
1903346310.0240% ***
1902275470.0354% ***
1901348280.0242% ***
1900315450.0277% ***
1899274400.0347% ***
1898269440.0333% ***
1897317340.0279% ***
1896301380.0294% ***
1895274420.0332% ***
1894275410.0328% ***
1893268430.0355% ***
1892261470.0357% ***
1891257390.0357% ***
1890260430.0359% ***
1889263400.0336% ***
1888227600.0462% ***
1887250400.0366% ***
1886226560.0470% ***
1885257410.0354% ***
1884241500.0407% ***
1883221490.0436% ***
1882206620.0508% ***
1881216510.0471% ***
1880192640.0540% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.