Baby Name Rankings of Colten

Colten: Statistics About The Baby Name Colten

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20239212490.0136% ***
20229202490.0134% ***
20218512750.0148% ***
20207563170.0172% ***
20196953590.0188% ***
20186613800.0197% ***
20176873580.0182% ***
20166074410.0219% ***
20155485160.0255% ***
20144746050.0298% ***
20134436450.0322% ***
20124057130.0355% ***
20113867440.0370% ***
20103887260.0357% ***
20093927560.0361% ***
20084087180.0334% ***
20074655780.0265% ***
20065105000.0232% ***
20055753990.0191% ***
20045743870.0186% ***
20035933630.0174% ***
20025593950.0192% ***
20015413990.0194% ***
20005314110.0197% ***
19995263990.0196% ***
19984934420.0218% ***
19974694630.0232% ***
19965004170.0208% ***
19955233770.0188% ***
19945583390.0167% ***
19935024130.0200% ***
19925713170.0151% ***
19915843020.0143% ***
19906182660.0124% ***
19896182550.0122% ***
19888161340.0067% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.