Baby Name Rankings of Colt

Colt: Statistics About The Baby Name Colt

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20232641,2980.0709% ***
20222401,4570.0782% ***
20212201,7250.0927% ***
20202211,6810.0912% ***
20192101,8260.0957% ***
20182361,6150.0837% ***
20172691,3290.0677% ***
20163361,0280.0509% ***
20153371,0120.0499% ***
20143399730.0479% ***
20133329680.0484% ***
20123289550.0475% ***
20113269500.0472% ***
20103309430.0464% ***
20093708110.0387% ***
20085334920.0229% ***
20075964150.0190% ***
20069062090.0097% ***
20059491800.0086% ***
20028541930.0094% ***
20018461900.0092% ***
20008141970.0095% ***
19997891940.0095% ***
19987572100.0104% ***
19976752410.0121% ***
19966702450.0122% ***
19956902360.0118% ***
19946552530.0124% ***
19936692360.0114% ***
19926902250.0107% ***
19917152010.0095% ***
19907681740.0081% ***
19897701670.0080% ***
19886741940.0097% ***
19875572650.0136% ***
19865952220.0116% ***
19855292720.0142% ***
19845172710.0145% ***
19834443510.0189% ***
19824593420.0182% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.