Baby Name Rankings of Colleen

Colleen: Statistics About The Baby Name Colleen

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2006*** 9022890.0141%
2005*** 7743340.0168%
2004*** 7013770.0190%
2003*** 6174310.0216%
2002*** 5474980.0253%
2001*** 4376360.0322%
2000*** 4556080.0306%
1999*** 4026890.0355%
1998*** 3448420.0435%
1997*** 2871,0030.0526%
1996*** 2721,0620.0555%
1995*** 2241,2550.0654%
1994*** 2071,4120.0725%
1993*** 1841,5840.0805%
1992*** 1841,6670.0833%
1991*** 1871,6020.0789%
1990*** 1601,8050.0880%
1989*** 1581,8100.0909%
1988*** 1661,7020.0887%
1987*** 1581,7450.0932%
1986*** 1521,8420.1000%
1985*** 1501,9460.1056%
1984*** 1442,0690.1149%
1983*** 1442,0050.1122%
1982*** 1392,1430.1183%
1981*** 1382,0630.1155%
1980*** 1372,1240.1195%
1979*** 1332,1350.1240%
1978*** 1332,0530.1251%
1977*** 1451,9950.1214%
1976*** 1352,0500.1305%
1975*** 1342,0990.1346%
1974*** 1232,3420.1496%
1973*** 1252,3090.1487%
1972*** 1232,5030.1553%
1971*** 1212,9470.1683%
1970*** 1173,3280.1818%
1969*** 1093,4130.1937%
1968*** 1013,4860.2040%
1967*** 963,6260.2113%
1966*** 923,7470.2135%
1965*** 934,0270.2204%
1964*** 944,5370.2319%
1963*** 984,4450.2237%
1962*** 1014,4260.2184%
1961*** 1064,5140.2176%
1960*** 1074,4460.2138%
1959*** 1104,3350.2086%
1958*** 1163,9250.1902%
1957*** 1183,8840.1852%
1956*** 1133,9000.1894%
1955*** 1113,8620.1928%
1954*** 1193,4830.1750%
1953*** 1173,3690.1748%
1952*** 1083,4710.1825%
1951*** 1133,0470.1653%
1950*** 1242,6100.1485%
1949*** 1462,0240.1154%
1948*** 1611,7840.1025%
1947*** 2091,2700.0699%
1946*** 2131,0930.0679%
1945*** 2338120.0603%
1944*** 2477250.0531%
1943*** 2527650.0534%
1942*** 2517450.0535%
1941*** 2616010.0483%
1940*** 2486490.0549%
1939*** 2426650.0586%
1938*** 2356970.0611%
1937*** 2227400.0672%
1936*** 1988520.0791%
1935*** 2436700.0617%
1934*** 2367120.0658%
1933*** 2366740.0645%
1932*** 2287090.0641%
1931*** 2187610.0690%
1930*** 2019470.0813%
1929*** 1851,0660.0921%
1928*** 1861,0980.0919%
1927*** 1941,0610.0859%
1926*** 2059440.0768%
1925*** 2526980.0553%
1924*** 2915210.0402%
1923*** 3783100.0248%
1922*** 5111870.0150%
1921*** 6991120.0088%
1920*** 818790.0064%
1918*** 876670.0056%
1917*** 829680.0061%
1916*** 840650.0060%
1915*** 916520.0051%
1912*** 941290.0050%
1909*** 968180.0049%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.